Navy Yard. . . . green line to Branch Avenue, Southeast:

But what I found that was the most disturbing was that the red bar at the bottom where it "instructs" you how to use the click box, it can also fold up to say the following:

My basic opinion is. . if it wasn't suppose to be "up" then why was it placed on the box in the first place? Again another barrier to make condoms less accessible.
At least at the Navy Yard location the pregnancy tests were not under lock and key. . . we thank you for that CVS!

So are you saying that CVS should abandon the idea of making money and give condoms away? That sure doesn't sound like capitalism, more like communism, but you realize that the next step will be sterilization of undesirables making condoms unnecessary. Why shouldn't CVS lock up the items that are frequently stolen in high crime areas. Doing so does not necessarily have any racial undertones, except the fact that certain areas with higher black populations have higher crime rates. I love how everyone has to find racism in completely legitimate actions.
Thank you Mr. H for your opinion. Seeing that you have never been to DC and have limited knowledge on the HIV/AIDS crisis in DC- let me help you understand the full background.
In NO way shape or form is STEALING at any time or any place OK. It is AGAINST the law, it is wrong- plain and simple. At no point has anyone within our coalition condoned stealing.
With the AIDS rate 1 out of 20 we think that is wrong to make access to condoms harder. The "click boxes" discriminate against those that cannot read, and for those that are disabled in general.
There are INDEED racial undertones because if you had read one of the other blog posts- you would have seen one about the CVS that I personally shop at where $50 shampoo and conditioner is sold. This item is not locked up or put in any kind of "loss prevention" containment unit- in fact the store manager told me he loses about $25,000-$30,000 a year in products like the shampoo and conditioner- NOT CONDOMS- similarly in the "black" neighborhoods store managers also told me that they are NOT loosing the most money in condoms, but in face soaps, body wash, etc. So basically CVS is saying that White people don't steal and black people do- when in the white stores they are selling more expensive items and in some stores losing more money because the items are of bigger ticket value. So you tell me how it is isn't a race issue. I love how some people try and dismiss race issues.
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