Ward 8
What do you know??? The condoms are locked up- the Manager tried to tell me and another team member at first that he lost the money in Condoms, I then followed up with the question:
"Sir, you mean to tell me that our of all the products in the entire store you LOSE the most money in CONDOMS???"
I kept talking as I tend to do. .
"There are more products in the store that are more expensive to 'steal'"
The manager then retracted his comments and said that "No no, I don't lose the most money in condoms. . . "
In the 51 stores in the District of Columbia the Naylor Road location is the ONLY CVS that has some of their condoms locked up.
The ONLY CVS that had their Jumbo packs locked up. . . the CVS close to Howard University had their Condoms in Click Boxes but NOT their Jumbo Packs. . . does this make sense?
(1900 7th Street, NW- close to Howard University)

I think not. . .
We also discovered the following at the Naylor Road location:
Empty cases- in which the managers comment was "that's what THEY do. . .THEY steal it"
which my team member and I thought was interesting because walk a few steps away and this is what you will find free and open in the aisle:
So if the "they" could steal why wouldn't "they" steal the ones that were in the open??? why go to the trouble of busting open the click boxes??

The actions of CVS is amoral. . . more information to come about the HIV/AIDS rates in Ward 8. . .
CVS, RiteAid, Walgreens and all the other DC area pharmacies need to think real long about these practices. Every person has a right to health, happiness, and contraception. As the major pharmacy chain in DC, CVS corporate should be more attentive and caring about their customers. DC residents face some of the highest HIV rates in the nation! Especially in Ward 8! Why then does CVS work so hard and spend so much money (cause lockboxes cost money) to barr access to their own products!
I personally have not encountered a CVS that did not – at the very minimum – place their condoms in one of those ridiculous “click boxes”. After having seen this picture from the Naylor Road branch, I’m honestly appalled by CVS’s practice to, not only lock up condoms, but to also lock up every other product that is directly related to a person’s sexual health. At a time when our city –literally- can’t afford another HIV or STD incidence or unwanted pregnancy, we must do more to ensure access to prevention materials (like contraception) to all persons seeking them… That entails fostering public and corporate participation to work towards a common goal, which I understand is easier said than done.
Otherwise, I think CVS’s loosely-applied policy has less to do with loss prevention, and more to do with the management’s stereotypes about the communities they serve, as well as their negative or conservative viewpoints on sexual health, in general.
Its crazy what companies will do for the sake of saving a few pennies. People are suffering from diseases that can be prevented!!! But instead of being a part of the solution of having condoms available, your "customers" have to go through the embarrassment of finding an employee to unlock items which cost a few pennies to make. I guess our lives are not even worth a few cents to CVS.
I still can't believe that we live in a time/place where providing the tools which support reproductive health in an open fashion, is still a feat. I have personally been to the CVS on Naylor Road to purchase condoms, and the experience was a bit too involved. Not only were the condoms I wanted locked, but when I asked for assistance (which took forever to locate) they too had difficulty accessing the condoms. Before long, there were three persons trying to help get the condoms out of the glass case. Part of me wished I had never asked for help in the first place... What you guys are doing is great. I hope CVS listens.
I think what is so appalling at the end of the day is that CVS IS making so much money- stealing is never ok, but I just spent $190 on Rx, (well actually it was from my sweet grandmother that put money on my student ID card) I have said it before and I will continue to say it whether people like to hear it or not. . . WHITE PEOPLE STEAL CONDOMS TOO . . . I have personally attempted to be in contact with CVS District Managers as of late and one in particular refuses to respond.
As I say in life. . . IT's deplorable.
i think this is ridiculous. you're appalled that cvs locks up their condoms? yes, its true, there is a high rise of HIV and aids. however, it is not cvs's personal responsibility. individuals have to learn to practice safe sex. if you cant afford condoms, then go to a clinic that gives them out. Keep in mind, they are running a business. condoms are not the only products that they keep looked up. times are tough and people seem to steal things that they cant afford for many reasons. one, they honestly need is and might not have a job. or in most cases, they are part of a big ring of thieves. we really need to look at the WHOLE picture. they lock up high theft items like razors, high priced hair product, blood pressure monitors, and yes, even condoms. you cant honestly expect a business to let product be stolen. im speaking simply from my personal opinion, which everyone is entitled to.
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