I am home for the holidays and of course I have perused the local Smith's Food and Drug/Marketplace (A Kroger's Company) and NO, there condoms are not locked up!
If Utah one of the most conservative states in the nation where people would feel like they would need to steal is NOT locked up. . . CVS really should re-think their policies. .
FURTHERMORE, Magnum condoms ar

Shame on CVS and their high prices marketed directly to black people.

1 comment:
The reason some places lock them up is because people steal then because they are easy to put in a pocket. They do the same where I live in a downtown city. There are lots of minorities here. But if you look at the thief rate of this area compared to other areas it is much much higher. Its just a fact where I live. You can say it is racist but facts are not racist and if you say they are you are incorrect. If people stole them as much in affluent places they would be locked up too. I talked the owner of the Walgreens where I live why they lock them up and he said that condoms are stolen 10 times more then any other Item in the store. He owns Walgreens all over the area and says that it is only in the down town area that they are stolen the most. ( which does not make sense because there are all kinds of places you can get them free here.) He says he just went off of facts.He says he did not do it in that area because they are minorities it is because they steal them more then in other places. People in America need to get over who is and who is not a minority it is just a pigment and nothing else. People are people but people dont see it this way including minorities. Stop teaching people to think of them selves as a color or a minority and may be our problems would stop. The way people act has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with class and up bringing. There are white people that steal things and black people that steal things it has to do with their up bringing and having low morals. BE A PERSON NOT A COLOR.
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