CVS 36 Pack of Magnum Condoms. . .
(and I might add they are out in the open in the foggy bottom area, but are LOCKED UP on NAYLOR ROAD!)
Target in Columbia Heights THE VERY SAME 36 pack of Magnum Condoms. . .
and what do you know . . . NOT LOCKED UP!!!!

What is locked up at any store is decided by what is stolen at that store. So, if a bunch of idiots in an area steal something, it will be locked up. Why would someone who simply wants to buy something care that it needs to be taken out of a case for him or her? It's not a big deal.
This website is the biggest wast of time. As a CVS employee, I can tell you it is because people can't seem to pay for things that they get locked up. If people didn't come in just to rip us off, we wouldn't have to lock anything up or raise our prices just to stay afloat. And as for the racist comments, they are completely bogus. Not only are ALL the condoms locked up, but the magnums are not made just for black people. I know that that is one stereotype that you don't mind attaching yourselves to, but not all black men are well enough endowed to need magnums. Anyway, I hate it when people throw the race card out there like it's nothing, especially over something this stupid. Enjoy being angry about not being able to get your magnums, that you probably don't need anyway.
So CVS employee, then WHY aren't all the condoms locked up in ALL the CVS locations? Are you in DC? I have been to 20 locations. . . . have you? How come the 36 packs are not locked up but the 12 are locked up??? And why are less expensive items not locked up. It is neither here nor there in regards to size it simply "is what it is" in regards to brand preference. I speak with CVS employees that are ashamed of "your" own policies. One employee told me just the other day that his manager told him "all blacks steal" hmmmmmm interesting. Again, why aren't they locked up in predominately white neighborhoods and managers there are reporting to me that they are loosing quite a sum of money in their stores as well? Seems pretty racist to me. I have seen this ALLLL with my own eyes and I monitor it on a daily basis.
I too am a CVS employee, and it is locked up based on the decision of the store manager. Therefore, if the theft of condoms is high in a specific store, the store manager can ask his district manager if he can implement a lock case. At my store, our Crest whitestrips are in a case, as well as many of our perfume. And us having to ask an employee to get you condoms really that big of a deal. If you dont like the way CVS handles things, dont shop there. Go shop at target.
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